Mormons are Awesome

Saturday night, me and the hubs met up with my sister and her boyfriend and headed to Memphis.  We had tickets to the 8:00 showing of The Book of Mormon at the Orpheum, and the plan was to have dinner on Beale and just hang out until show time.  We made it downtown and parked and ended up not having a lot of time to kill, so we just ducked into one of the first places we came to–King’s Palace Cafe.  I loved the atmosphere, the live music, and they actually had something I could eat!  I always worry about that when we go out someplace I’m not familiar with.  I mean, I can always get a salad, but damnit I like to EAT. haha Everyone else had their BBQ and burgers, but I had a delicious pasta primavera–pasta, marinara, broccoli, zucchini, and yellow squash… perfectly veg-friendly!

So anyway while we were sitting there, my sister Kim realized she left our tickets in the truck, and as luck would have it, it had started raining.  The longer we sat there and joked about who had to walk back in the rain to get them, the harder it rained.  While we were waiting on our check, the rain stopped, so D and Kim’s boyfriend left us girls there to take care of the bill while they went back to the truth to get our tickets.  They hadn’t been gone but a couple of minutes when the heavens opened up.  haha  It started raining harder than ever.  With a little thunder and lightning thrown in just for good measure.  The two of them camped out in the truck and Kim and I stayed at the restaurant waiting for it to let up, but the radar showed absolutely no chance of that shit happening anytime soon, so we finally all just gave up and made a run for it.  The guys didn’t have far to go, but Kim and I had a couple of blocks with a couple of crosswalks to deal with!  Since it was The Book of Mormon playing, there were lots of Mormons standing out on the corners handing out pamphlets and stuff.  They were so sweet!  They offered to walk with us the rest of the way and share their umbrellas with us, but at that point we were like, “Thanks, y’all, but I think we’re a lost cause.  It would be impossible for us to get any wetter than we are!”  When we finally made it under the awning at the Orpheum, there wasn’t a dry stitch on us!

Being soaked to the bone in a cold theater made for a very uncomfortable 2-1/2 hours!!  But, you guys, the show made it SO WORTH IT!  Even D liked it and trust me when I tell you that musicals are SOOOOOO not D’s thing.  I’ve never gotten him to go to one with me before, but I knew he’d be an easy sell on this one because it was written by the creators of South Park.  The whole show had a very “South Park” feel to it with its off-color comedy, satire, and overly exaggerated…well… everything.

We only bought the tickets a couple of weeks ago, so pickins were slim.  We took the only four tickets we could get that were all together.  They just happened to be the four WORST seats in the venue.  haha  I mean that in the most literal sense.  We were in the last seats in the last row of the upper gallery.  So we can now say with absolute certainty that there isn’t a bad seat in the Orpheum.  Even in the worst seats, this was our view of the stage.

It was positively hilariously fantastic, and I WILL see it again.  I want to tell  you some of my favorite parts, but I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone (because I know for a fact a couple of you will be seeing it soon too!), so I won’t.  But seriously, isn’t ANYTHING with a character named General Butt-Fucking Naked worth going to see?  I think so.

What about you?  Are musicals your thing?  What have you seen?  I’ve seen Phantom (x 3), Les Miserable, Wicked (x2), Chicago, and now this one.  A Christmas Story will be touring in November, and I’ll definitely be going to that one too!

Food For Thought IV

Woops!  I just noticed this one has been sitting in draft form for several weeks.  My Food for Thought was growing mold.  haha

Apple Crisp Muffins from (full recipe in link) – I don’t bake  Like, EVER.  But I came across this recipe one evening and realized I had everything here to make them (once I found out old-fashioned oats and rolled oats are the same thing haha).  I made them the next morning and took them to work fresh out of the oven and everyone LOVED them!  They tease me about my eating, so I love proving to them that you don’t have to have meat and dairy for stuff to taste awesome!

Cheesy Tofu Scramble from Cookin’ Crunk – I make tofu scrambles fairly frequently for breakfast on the weekends but this is the first time I followed Bianca’s recipe.  They’re all basically the same, but I loved the flavor that her soy sauce/spice blend gave it!  She suggests adding veggies of your choice, and for this one I used yellow sweet peppers, green onions, black beans, and kale.  YUM!

Moroccan Lentil Soup from Everyday Happy Herbivore  – Y’all, my whole house smelled AHHHHH-MAZING while this was cooking.  I love lentils, and I love anything with a Moroccan flair to it, so this was just perfect for me.

Tempeh Bacon from Plant Hungry – You just can’t beat a BLT.  Unless you add avocado to it.  I had never tried tempeh until about a year or so ago (because no one around here carries it and I have to buy it out of town!), and bacon was one of the first things I learned how to make with it.  I hate myself a little bit for not doing it years ago.

Red Red Stew with Fried Bananas from Everyday Happy Herbivore – The stew itself was okay, but HOLY HELL, how have I never had fried bananas before?!?!?!  I’d have been happier if I had a meal of fried bananas with a side of stew.  haha

Our Trip to the Dominican Republic!

I hate to even write this because when you write a recap of something that means it’s over!  After 2+ years of hoping and planning and anticipating, in one short week POOF, it really was over.  But it was totally worth the long-ass wait and it was every bit as amazing as I’d hoped it would be.

Last month, D and I and the bestie and her hubby spent a week at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.  To say it was awesome is an understatement.  I don’t even know how to begin describing it, so I’ll just let the pictures mostly speak for themselves.

The beach:

Little did I know that that wave behind me was about to almost take me down!

The room:

The resort grounds:

One of the 13 pools at the resort

The adventures:

Squeaky clean… but not for long.

Jumping into a natural cave pool to clean off a bit midway through.

Paddleboarding is not as easy as some people make it look!

The relaxation and recreation:

Michele took up bird watching while we were there.  HAHA!

This is shortly before I went down for the count with one too many cocktails!

Entrance to the spa.  Facials and massages for everyone!

The pool in the sensory relaxation area of the spa that you got to hang out in after your paid service.

I had to try a Cuban cigar.  Just to say I did.

The getting cleaned up and going out:

And then the leaving:

Sad face  😦

It was a spectacular trip, and I’m beyond happy that we got to share it with such amazing friends!  Now where to next…?  🙂