Two Down!

Did you see my 33 Before 33 post?  If not (and if you’re too lazy to click the link that I so conveniently just supplied for you) it was a list of 33 fun things I want to do before I turn 33 in January.  This weekend I crossed two things off that list!

#18  Go to a canvas painting class at the new place downtown.

Saturday was the first day of fall, and the canvas cafe appropriately hosted a class painting whimsical pumpkins.  It was so much fun!  There was one painting already done hanging up as an example, and the instructor painted another one in front of the class as she instructed us on what to do.

Who doesn’t have a mini self  photo shoot in their truck when they get somewhere early? It’s normal. Trust me. Hell, I was just excited to be going somewhere not in work or running clothes, with my hair looking decent and makeup on all at the same time.  It doesn’t happen often.
The arteests
While we were letting our pumpkins dry.

My friend Becky was in the class too with a girl she works with! A fun coincidence. She took this picture of me taking a picture of my canvas.

Getting started

At this point I joked that it looked like we were painting a picture of the red monster from Bugs Bunny.  Becky had no idea what I was talking about.  I was so disappointed in her.  I even googled it and showed her a picture on my phone and she still didn’t recognize it.  Please tell me you remember this character.

My finished product

Class photo.  Me standing on the far left, Becky standing on the far right, her other friend kneeling below her.

We had an absolute ball.  For 30 bucks, you just can’t beat it.  They even allow you to bring in your own wine!  Becky and her friend brought a couple of bottles and offered to share, but I knew I had a long run coming up the next morning, so I wisely passed.  I’ll definitely be doing this again though (maybe marking #17 off my list when they start doing the Christmas classes!), and there will be wine.  Oh, yes. There WILL be wine.

#5    Run from my house to another city.  It’s almost exactly 14 miles from my driveway to the Walmart one city over.  All of my runs start and end in the same spot, but I think it would just be awesome to tell people I ran from Town A to Town B.  I can totally do that during this marathon training cycle.

I knocked this one off on a 15-mile long run starting at my driveway and ending on the same highway 15 miles from where I started.  It was a fantastic run with some beautiful sights.  I’ve driven that stretch of highway hundreds of times and never noticed now pretty it is.  I had my phone in my SPIbelt and thought a couple of times about taking it out and snapping some pictures to share, but I just didn’t want to stop running long enough.  I was in my zone and loving it, and when that happens you don’t interrupt it.  On my final fuel break at mile 12 I took it out long enough to tell Siri to text D to pick me up in 30 minutes.  The only picture I took was of the city limits sign so I could post this to Facebook:

Hey, what’s the point of doing it if you can’t publicly brag about it on Facebook?

4 thoughts on “Two Down!

  1. YAY!! For both! The painting class sounds so fun (esp. with friends and wine!) and who doesn't need a fabulous long run every once in a while? I've often thought of running a point to point (every time I run a 20, John reminds me that I could just run to where he works) but I've never actually done it.


  2. You're too cute! We need more selfies of you on the blog 🙂

    I have thought about taking one of those canvas paiting classes! They seem so fun!!!

    So happy the point to point was fun! 🙂 I love “running with a purpose” – or just not running in circles! 🙂


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