Virtual 5K Race(s) Report

In honor of my 31st birthday tomorrow and in honor of Adam just being an awesome virtual race director, I ran two 5Ks today.  Simultaneously.  See, you can do stuff like that when they’re virtual races. 

Adam, DQ me if you must.  I missed your race date by a full day.  I had every intetion of doing this yesterday, but after my friend’s 40th birthday party Friday night, I was in no shape to run a 5K on Saturday.  No shape whatsoever.

So it was today or bust!  After church and The Walmart Experience, I was ready to do my thang in my own It’s M’Burfday and Adam’s Freeze Your Thorns Off virtual 5Ks.

At 3:00 pm with a wind chill of 18, with a t-shirt, an Under Armour hoodie, a pair of Reebok tights and a pair of Under Armour cold gear tights on over those, gloves, and ear warmers, I was off.

Don’t I look like I’m ready to freeze something off?

Mile 1:  8:40 pace – “This is awesome!  Why don’t I run this fast more often?!”

Mile 2:  9:15 – “Ooooh yeah.  This is why.”

Mile 3:  9:49 – “What kind of idiot puts this kind of hill on the last part of a 5K?  Wait a minute, what?  I got to pick my own course for this race?  Idiot…”

Mile 3.1:  0:53 – *WHEEEEEEEEZE*

Not fast for most, but for me a big PR.  I hadn’t done a 5K since 3/20/10 with a time of 29:27, so today was a 49-second improvement.  I’ve been saying I want to work on speed this year, and today will serve as my starting point.  I have another 5K (a REAL one with ACTUAL REAL, LIVE PEOPLE) coming up on 2/12, so we’ll see if I can pick up a few seconds between now and then.

22 thoughts on “Virtual 5K Race(s) Report

  1. Great job! Our times were VERY close. I'm not sure why I knew about Adam's race and not yours 😦
    I have never done a “real” 5k race, so I need to find a fun one to do so I can try to beat my virtual time.

    Happy Early Birthday!!!


  2. I gotta say, it sure is nice to read a blog from the point of view of an old 30 year old 🙂 Ok, I'm 36 so I have you beat. I guess that makes me ancient.

    Great run today! I think your time is awesome. You have me beat easily!!

    AND, you look adorable all bundled up for your run 🙂 Me, I think I'll just slip into my shorts and tank and hit the beach 🙂 HA!


  3. I tagged you in my latest post with a “Stylish Blogger Award.” You don't have to play, but part of the rules is me letting you know that I've enjoyed finding and reading you're blog, and I think you're awesome.


  4. Sorry that I am just now getting to comment on this…

    1st, Happy BDAY!
    2nd, that is a REALLY bright picture of you. You must have had the high beams on or something (hehe)
    3rd, you basically KILLED the 5K!!! I always say that if it doesn't hurt a ton then you aren't doing it rihgt. way to go


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