Closed for Business

I am completely, totally, 100% in vacation mode. In less than 48 hours I will be boarding a plane to Cabo San Lucas, and I. CAN’T. WAIT.

I have been a female version of Michael Scott at work this week. I have been goofy, I have been nonproductive, and I have probably been a little obnoxious. I told my employees when I came in Monday morning, “If you need anything from me this week, you have five minutes to let me know, or else it will be two weeks before it gets done.” When everyone said they were good, I made the declaration, “Then the vacation starts NOW!” And, by George, I have held true to my word.

In the past, I have worn myself ragged in the days leading up to vacation trying to play get-ahead so that I didn’t have to play such a mean game of catch-up when I got back. I would stress myself so badly over everything (Will my neice remember to feed my cat? What if one of the dogs gets sick? What if an auditor shows up at my office? ARGH!) that my mood would carry over into the first couple of days of our trip. Not this year! I plan to board the plan a happy camper and enjoy every single second to the fullest.

I even started packing Tuesday night rather than waiting till the last minute as is true Pam fashion. (I got a little excited as I was packing some running clothes. I’m excited to see what kind of cool places I’ll have to run!)

Not much left to do now but finish packing and take the dogs to the sitter’s house tomorrow night.

Yes, I pay a woman $24 a day to keep my babies in her home as part of her family while I’m gone rather than sending them to a boarding kennel. What can I say? I love the little vermin.

And let’s not forget about my spa appointment tomorrow! If there is an ounce of stress left in me, it will be massaged away tomorrow at noon, followed by a manipedi to send me straight into nirvana.

Oh, and on a side note, my couch is scheduled for surgery next week. Please keep your fingers crossed that she pulls through.


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