I’m Useless

When I get something on my mind, it consumes me.  It’s all I can think about.  Sometimes it’s good things, sometimes not.  This time?  IT’S GOOOOOOOOOOOD.

For two freaking years, the bestie and our hubbies and I have been trying to get all our shit together and hash out a plan for the Best Vacation Ever.  The stars have FINALLY aligned this year!  Plans are made, rooms are reserved, and flights are booked.  This summer we are Dominican Republic bound!!!!  I’ve taken excited to a whole new level.  I just keep looking at the pictures on the resort’s website and daydreaming and envisioning us in them.  I mean seriously!  Look!

I cannot wait!!!

Do you prefer to travel with friends or with your partner/family alone?

What’s your dream vacation?  Favorite place you’ve been?

7 thoughts on “I’m Useless

  1. This looks fantastic! I've been to the DR once and it was a blast. Highly recommend waterfall climbing and cliff jumping as an excursion. I love traveling anywhere and everywhere. I would say Turkey and Southern Africa are my top two!


  2. You guys will have soo much fun!! We went to Punta Cana last year. The wife and I and 3 other couples. BEST VACATION EVER!!!! We are planning another one for this year.



  3. Oh my gosh! I am so darn excited for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to do a vacation like this with Steven or with friends, too! We went to Aruba on our honeymoon, that would be one favorite place! 🙂


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