Three Things Thursday

1.  I changed my hair color (yet again) at my appointment last week.  This is darker than it’s been in a few years.  I kinda dig it.

2.  I amuse myself way too much in a Dick’s dressing room.  My gift cards from Christmas were still burning a hole in my pocket, so I went shopping this weekend.  I found these on a clearance rack.  Under Armour capris for $19!  They were positively hideous!  I loved them!

BUT they only had them in a sz small, which enhanced the love handles a little too much for my liking.  Bummer.  But I did score three pair of Nike Tempo track shorts on clearance for like $12 each.  Plus have you heard of GeoQpons?  If you have a smart phone, download that app RIGHT THIS SECOND.  It’s free for Droid and iPhone.  They have electronic coupons for almost any store or restaurant you can think of.  You just pull it up on your phone and let them scan it or punch in the number at checkout.  I saved $20 on this one shopping trip alone.  (Not to mention all the $$$ I saved Christmas shopping at various stores, and I’ve used it once at TGIFridays.)

3.   After my long run fail this past weekend, I took two full rest days Monday and Tuesday and then NAILED my track workout on Wednesday.  I felt strong even at the finish.  So maybe that’s all it was.  (Side note:  I changed my intervals from the scheduled 7 x 400 to 3 x 800 with 400 recovery intervals.  WHOA.  Those are like TWICE as hard.)


4.  After said track workout, I lost my New Balance fleece headband/earwarmer thingie!  😦  I decided I didn’t need it and had my keys laying on it while I ran.  I could have sworn I had it in my hand when I got in the truck, but alas it was not there when I got home.  I went back to the school to see if I could find it on the ground anywhere, but it was nowhere to be found.  So I ordered this Brooks one from Road Runner Sports to replace it.  I hope I like it as much as I liked my old one!

9 thoughts on “Three Things Thursday

  1. I love that you tried those capris on! I keep seeing them and wanting to try them on… but not finding the courage 🙂 That app sounds cool!

    And yay for nailing the speedwork. That always feels good!


  2. I am LOVING your hair — If I ever make it back to the salon I want to go dark(er) AAAAND I think I just died a few times from laughing so hard — and I quote: “They were positively hideous! I loved them!” — I sooooo wish you got them, they looks FABULOUS on you!!! Plus, if you keep running like the animal you are, you'll be nothing but confident! I love UA — slightly obsessed.. in fact the first thing I noticed when I stopped by was your gorgeous plum UA sweatshirt …jealous:)

    OH! You should know.. I immediately downloaded that app — THANK YOU! You are all sorts of awesome:)

    Thanks for following my bloggity blog — I'm your newest follower, too:)

    Happy Sunday!


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